Linked In or Linked Out?
When it comes to social media sites, each has a unique feel. None more so than the social site designed to connect business folk and encourage networking, LinkedIn. Most people understand that the silly videos that you might post on Facebook or the goofy gifs you use on Twitter aren't a good fit for LinkedIn. However, I've either been witness to or heard about some LinkedIn DON'Ts that need to be tossed OUT.
Think of this list as a type of "What's Hot and What's Not" list that you might have found at one time in your yearbook. Now that we've all moved on up and out of high school, let's act like it (at least on LinkedIn).
Linked In?
Congratulating your friend on her new promotion!
Linked Out?
Posting Happy Birthday pictures.
Linked In?
Tagging a contact in a post that contains a link to a recent positive newspaper article about her along with an "Atta Girl!" message.
Linked Out?
Using hashtags in a LinkedIn post.
Linked In?
Publishing your original content pertaining to the business community on Pulse.
Linked Out?
Posting your political propaganda on LinkedIn.
Linked In?
Using a professional head shot.
Linked Out?
Sending flirtatious and/or inappropriate messages to contacts.
Linked In?
Supporting the people in your network (your connections) with shares, comments, and likes!
Linked Out?
Shared accounts. Even business partners and married couples are separate individuals.
What would you add to this, either a DO or a DON'T for LinkedIn? Comment here or email, and please follow LMCB Social on LinkedIn. Now go forth, and be social!